Brass instrument demonstration

December 22, 2014

Special thanks to our student/guest teacher, Mr. R. Verhoeven, for demonstrating the “Best of Brass”, by playing the trumpet, French horn, trombone and euphonium! Students have learned first hand about tone, range, pitch, embouchure, sound production, buzzing, valves(rotary and piston), cylindrical, conical, lacquer, improvisation, and the meaning of “the longer the tube the lower the note!


Students enjoyed a traditional and improv version of, “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire”, as can be heard below:

New additions to: Favourite Video Page

An Interpretation of the Christmas Story, by children from St. Paul’s Anglican Church , Auckland, New Zealand:

“An Unexpected Christmas”:

(Can’t help but make you smile!)


Is it, “Lime in the Coconut”, “Coconut in the Lime”, or “Poor Little Cat Wearing a Lime”?



 Inspirations for our ukulele version of “Lime in the Coconut”:, by Harry Nilsson, Kalani Das



Great beat and crazy rhyming lyrics; accompaniment is just played on a toaster!!!


Concert pics?

If anyone has a few pictures from the concert, I’d love to have  few to make a collage to feature on the “Celebration Wall” of the music room! Please forward to

Thank you!



Celebration Concert, 2014

THANK YOU, a whole bunch, for everyone’s contribution to last evening’s concert! The message of acceptance, caring and fun was enthusiastically shared in a musical way!

Best wishes for a happy holiday week and a half of celebration whether that celebration be Christmas, Hanukkah, Ramada, Diwali, Chinese New Year, or any other meaningful happening!

“Walk Off the Earth”; video favourites:

* “Walk Off the Earth”, video favourites:

“Somebody That I Used to Know”:

“Gang of Rhythm Beetle Three Track”:



“Little Boxes”:

“Red Hands”:


Thank you to the Honour Choir + 2!

December 10th, 2014

Thank you to the singers who made a positive contribution to the Open House at the Human Rights Commission in Charlottetown this morning. The pieces you shared, “Gift of Acceptance” and “Peace Round”, beautifully summed up the meaning of human rights! Thank you to the parent chaperones/drivers as well!

Peace Round lyrics: “What a goodly thing, if the children of the world could dwell together in peace.”

Link to Indie.Arie singing “Gift of Your Acceptance”:




Aladdin Rehearsal Update

Due to ongoing preparations for the school’s Celebration Concert to be held at 7pm on the 17th, and rehearsals for students also involved in Cinderella to be performed at the Confederation Centre next week, we will resume Aladdin rehearsals in January. Students are reminded to review their lines and lyrics over the holidays! Please watch for a monthly schedule of in-school, after-school and week-end practices shortly after the December Break. We are looking forward to getting this show on the road!