Classroom Music, Unit #1: “Rap Writing and Performing”


After sharing the circle song, “Hello Everybody”, students have been enjoying writing “raps”, or “speech songs”, with inspiration provided from the video, “Yeah, Toast!”.

Over the four music classes so far this year, we’ve been covering music and written literacy outcomes using self-assessment to focus learning. Together, we identified all the wonderful things enjoyed from the video, created headings to categorize items on the list, created a “T-chart”, and from this, a check list for student’s self assessment, all the while, having fun creating and performing raps!

We look forward to sharing a few audio clips of student’s work once completed!


2016-17 School Year Has Begun!

Welcome back everyone!

The upcoming year is proving to be a wonderful time for re-uniting with old friends and meeting lots of new! I hope this will be the best year ever for learning in a happy and healthy way!

Many musical offerings will be available as the year progresses, but starting off we’ll begin with Choir rehearsals during second recess breaks as identified on the calendar outside the music room door. “Song of Peace” and “It’s a Wonderful Year” are our beginning selections. We’re preparing already for the school’s Remembrance Day Assembly in November.

Once again, best wishes to all for a wonderful year! More details of the music program will be shared as details are confirmed!