Stratford Honour Choir at the PEI Human Right’s Open House, December 11th, 2017

The Honour Choir contributed to the Human Right’s Commission’s Open House, at Memorial Hall, Confederation Centre today!

Focus: First Nations reconciliation, Sixties scoop, porcupine quilling, native drumming, speeches and more! Syrian refugee, grade seven student, Basel Al Rachad, spoke about his pride taking the Oath of Allegiance to Canada, Mi’kmaq dancers and drummers shared their talents; several guest speakers spoke about the meaning and relevancy of human rights in today’s society, and, the SES Honour Choir sang their rendition of John Lennon’s, “Imagine”. This event was held under a mammoth display of dream catchers, suspended from the ceiling.

This was a beautiful celebration, though filled with dreadfully sad and unbelievable  atrocities committed to First Nations people in Canada. At the same time, however, there was an obvious sense of hope in future relationships.

Special thanks to the Honour Choir participants for preparing their music, and to parents for their support.



1. Glee Club:  Concert tomorrow, Sunday, December 10th, with the Stratford Community Choir, at Park Royal Church, 11 Christie Drive, Ch’town. Glee members are asked to meet inside the front doors at the church by 1:45, dressed in Glee t-shirts, to sing through a couple of pieces with the adult choir, in preparation for the concert at 2:30.   Thank you!!!

2. The ten “Sticks Kids”, at practice this morning, are reminded to check re: staying after-school to perfect their, “tapping patterns and moves”, in preparation for Tuesday’s Celebration Concert!! Thank you!!

Please take a moment to vote for the SES Glee Club’s version of the Sobey’s Festive Song, at the link below! :-)

Thanks everyone! Voting can take place once per day until December 13th! If the SES Glee Clubs version, receives the most votes in the Maritimes, the Stratford Sobeys will receive $5000 to donate to a charity of their choice! What a spirit-filled gift and appreciative gift this would be!                                                                                                  Please click on the thumbnail pic that looks just like the pic below to vote, and to listen to the kids amazing rendition of the Sobeys song, at:                star-christmas-sing-along/

Thanks VERY much!!!


Stratford Elementary Honour Choir

Extra rehearsals:    

Friday, December 1st, 2:35-3:45. this rehearsal will be, “double-duty”, with the Glee club as well! .

Sunday, December 3rd: 1:34 to meet at Park Royal Church in preparation for 2:30 concert, open to the public.


1. PEI Human Rights Commission Open House; Memorial Hall, Confederation Centre: Monday, December 11th. Please be there at 10:45 for the hour-long celebration, that begins at 12 noon.

2. Celebration Concert, in the school gym; Tuesday, December 12th, 7pm.

3. Honour Choir Sectional Rehearsal, Friday, February 23rd; Park Royal United Church.

4. Honour Choir Concert day: Saturday, March 10th, Park Royal United Church.

***Exact times forthcoming. Thanks!!!