No after-school musical practices this week, or during the March Break.

Please watch for the next blog post AFTER April 2nd for a list of after-school rehearsals for the final week before showtime!

Best wishes to all for a restful and enjoyable March Break. Thanks to cast members for the past three months of tremendous commitment to attending rehearsals, in-school and after school and on the week-ends, totally well over fifty hours, in addition to in-school practices. Add to this, musical score preparation, script preparation, student and teacher home study, prop gathering/making, choreography creation and sharing, and we can’t forget the preparationand contribution to the spectacular Tea Party, that wowed us all!!!

The cooperation, support, and comeraderie that is strived for, as a member of a musical cast, results  in developing friendships, strengthening musical/acting abilities, and in becoming more empathetic and caring to those around you. Thank you for being a part of this meaningful process. We look forward to the opening show, in just three weeks and a day!!!



Reminder: Beauty and the Beast rehearsals this weekend; March 17th and 18th.

Despite a busy weekend with sports happenings, and the Destination Imagination event, we are holding a practice on Saturday, from 10-12 noon for all cast, and on Sunday from 1-3. Students who have main roles, with longer speaking lines, and longer singing solos in the music, are invited to stay on Sunday until 4pm, to rehearse their songs. Thanks so much everyone!  We will have next weeks schedule out on Sunday!!!

Can’t wait to share the show, and the student’s musical and dramatic mastery, and enthusiasm, with you in a little over three weeks!!! 😊

Congrats to the Honour Choir, 2018!!!

Despite the risk of nasty weather, the Honour Choir Concert proceeded on Saturday, March 10th, under the direction of Dr. Janet Brenneman. The 144 participants, selected  from 20 schools across the island, were challenged to sing six beautiful selections, with great focus, blend, intonation, and musicality. The music presented themes  of peace, and compassion.

Thamk you to SES singers, for their stamina, commitment, and contribution to this enrichment experience! Job well done!!!


Beauty and the Beast rehearsals week of March 11th-18th.

The weeks are passing by very quickly and with the March Break soon approaching, followed by just a week and three days until showtime, we’re planning a particularly busy schedule this week:

Wednesday, March 14th: 2:35-4:30                                                                                                    Thursday, March 15th: 2:35-4:30                                                                                                      Saturday: 10-12 noon, and as usual,                                                                                      Sunday, 1:00 to 3:00

All cast are asked to make a genuine effort to attend these rehearsals. We’ve been doing well overall. Being a member of the cast and chorus, is like being a member of a sports team. Being present is necessary to discuss and implement strategy, choreography, harmony lines, actions, nuances in the music, etc,. details that can be most successfully accomplished only when all acting and chorus members are present.

Thanks again so much for your involvement and commitment to this show! It truly will be a spectacular presentation of acting, music, smiles and more…memories in the making! Can’t wait til April 11th and 12th…just one month from today!!!!

(Btw: if any Castle Chorus members are still looking for costuming ideas, please see Mrs. Davis for a few items that can be shared with you. Generally, we’re asking for clothing colours that are gray, black, or brown, (not white) with girls wearing long skirts, long sleeved blouses, aprons or vests, with bonnet style hats or scarves. Boys can wear dark coloured pants or knickers, with a long sleeve shirt and vest, and an old-fashioned looking tweed or plaid cap.)




Today’s Rehearsal

Just to confirm that there is rehearsal today, from 1-3pm, at the school. Don’t forget that clocks have moved forward an hour! If you know of anyone not subscribed to the blog, please spread the word about today’s rehearsal.

Many thanks! See you soon 🙂

Honour Choir event to start at 12 noon today!!!!

Thankfully, we’re not dealing with blizzard conditions this morning!!!

The Honour Choir event is a “go”! Kids meet at Park Royal Church at 12 noon; public concert(admission by donation) begins at 2:30! All welcome!!!

Thanks to everyone for their contribution of time, talent, and commitment to make this enrichment offering a reality! Can’t wait for the music to begin!!! See you soon!

Honour Choir change of start time

Due to the weather forecast for this Saturday, March 10th, we’re beginning the event at 12 noon! Please have a bite for lunch before arriving at Park Royal Church. The concert will begin at 2:30, as originally planned.

Students are reminded to wear white on top, and black on the bottom.

Admission for the concert, is by donation. See you there! 🙂

This weeks’ rehearsals, and ticket info! :)

We are delving into the final stretch of preparations for Beauty and the Beast before showtimes on April 11th and 12th. As a result, the pressure is on, for every cast member to know their lines, and lyrics! Please take the time to review, stand tall and proud as you speak, and sing during your at-home practice time.

This week, we are rehearsing on:                                                                                            Wednesday, after school, from 2:35 to 4:30…yes…4:30, and again on Thursday, after school also til 4:30. ALL CAST ARE ASKED TO ATTEND, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. 

Ticket order forms will be available on Wednesday during in-school rehearsals and at the after-school practice. FORMS NEED TO BE RETURNED WITH CASH OR CHEQUES ENCLOSED IN AN ENVELOPE OR BAGGIE, MARKED WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME, AND CLASS, NO LATER THAN MONDAY, MARCH 12TH. 

Thank you everyone, so much for your investment of time, and energy in this year’s musical! It’s been an exciting process; everyone’s contribution and commitment is greatly appreciated! 🙂