This weeks’ rehearsals, and ticket info! :)

We are delving into the final stretch of preparations for Beauty and the Beast before showtimes on April 11th and 12th. As a result, the pressure is on, for every cast member to know their lines, and lyrics! Please take the time to review, stand tall and proud as you speak, and sing during your at-home practice time.

This week, we are rehearsing on:                                                                                            Wednesday, after school, from 2:35 to 4:30…yes…4:30, and again on Thursday, after school also til 4:30. ALL CAST ARE ASKED TO ATTEND, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. 

Ticket order forms will be available on Wednesday during in-school rehearsals and at the after-school practice. FORMS NEED TO BE RETURNED WITH CASH OR CHEQUES ENCLOSED IN AN ENVELOPE OR BAGGIE, MARKED WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME, AND CLASS, NO LATER THAN MONDAY, MARCH 12TH. 

Thank you everyone, so much for your investment of time, and energy in this year’s musical! It’s been an exciting process; everyone’s contribution and commitment is greatly appreciated! 🙂

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