“Roundabouts in the Kitchen !

MUSIC FUN, #11: Friday, May 22nd, 2020

Remember the musical form, called Rondo Form? (ABACA) Well, if this sounds familiar, hereโ€™s a review, and a chance to add your own B and C sections! If youโ€™ve not heard of it before, hereโ€™s your intro!!! Watch the video above, find a few pots and pans, create a rhythm by opening and closing cupboard doors, or tap a beat on your kitchen table, and away we go, creating music together!!! Super fun!!! ๐Ÿ™‚


MUSIC FUN, #10: Friday, May 15th, 2020

Be your own one-person band!

There’s a super cool app, called, “A Capella”, which you can download for free, and then begin multi-track recording! The video above is super professional, but gives the idea of how you create one sound at a time, and layer it together to produce a really cool final product! Give it a try! My goal, is to try it with the Beatles song, “Here Comes the Sun”! Stay tuned! Have a great weekend!

Draw What You Hear!!!

MUSIC FUN, Class #8: Wednesday, May 13th

Yes, you read that correctly! Draw what you hear!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Find a pencil, pen, pencil crayons, markers, wax crayons or chalk, and paper, or use your driveway(!), to represent music with colours, designs, and shapes, that relate in any way to the music you hear!!

I’m sure you have zillions of pieces of music that you love, but if you need a few suggestions, read on, and listen to the music below!

“Appalachian Spring”. Spring in the mountains. Spring, representing new life, new beginnings. Maybe spring is your favourite season? If so, this is the music for you!!! At 20:36, you’ll hear a clarinet play a beautiful “shaker” melody.

Btw, if you’re going into grade 7 in September, you may have the chance to play the clarinet, at Birchwood, if you send your registration in by TODAY, May 13th!!! Hurry! fill in the form right now, it’s found on your classroom teacher’s page, and then continue on with this music activity!!!

Iz is an iconic musician from Hawaii, who was a master ukulele player, and singer! The message of this song compilation, is amazing, and soooo happy!!! It just can’t help but make you smile! I think that would make Iz smile too!!! How can you draw this music? Well, what makes you happy? Answer that question, and then draw what it is…family, friends, a hockey net, a piano, a birthday cake, a sunrise, a daffodil, a puppy…you get the idea? The sky’s the limit! ๐Ÿ™‚

When things get tough, hold on!! This video from 2016, features Beard Guy, and Marshall(in the middle), both who are not with the band anymore. This song is an inspiration…what are we holding onto? What means the most to you? Maybe…you’d like to draw a picture of it! ๐Ÿ™‚

And, finally, below, here’s a motivator for sure!!! Remember, it’s also the tune of our school song? There are so many images in this video…choose one, or several, or make up your own!! Have fun! enjoy your day!!!

Music videos to make you smile on this sunny Friday!! :)

Amazing! This will bring happy memories back from the SES production of Beauty and the Beast! ๐Ÿ™‚

Homemade instruments? Creative lyrics? that;s all it takes! Give itย  try!

Just for fun! You can make music anywhere!

Yup! They said it! “It’s gonna be okay!”

Finally, WOTE can’t help but make you smile!! Have you heard this classic tune, yet? ๐Ÿ™‚

Homemade Instruments, plus!

MUSIC FUN #7, Tuesday, May 5th, 2020.

1. Did you know that Eastlink TV, is devoting one hour, each weekday, from 11am until 12 noon for Music/Arts/Physical Education programming, created by Island teachers?ย  Please take a look!

2. Homemade instruments. This is a topic with endless possibilities!! What might you create? Will your instrument be a percussion instrument, one that you have to tap/hit to make a sound? Maybe it will be like a brass instrument where you have to buzz intoย  tube? Or maybe it will be like a woodwind instrument where you blow air across an opening, like a pop bottle! What patterns of sound can you make? Maybe Rondo Form, like we’ve talked about in school: ABACA, or maybe you;; create a song, with instrumental accompaniment: Intro-Verse-Chorus-Verse-Chorus-Interlude-Chorus-Chorus-Outro?

Instrument Examples:

Percussion: shake a Kraft Dinner box of macaroni, to create a pattern of rhythm! (It actually sounds super nice!) and/or, with a kitchen utensil, tap several glasses filled with water to create a melody.

Brass: add a funnel to a tube, like the cardboard roll from a tinfoil roll, or a small plastic pipe, and buzz into the end of it!

Woodwind: blow across the top of a pop bottle. Fill it with varying amounts of water to create different pitches.




HAVE FUN WITH THIS! Record your creations to admire for years to come!!! ๐Ÿ™‚


ONLINE FUN #6: Music Monday, May 4th!!! :)

Click on the green words in the box below, to find out more, and to watch various performances from across the country!! How cool is that!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

In the meantime, how about thinking about music and how it’s a part of your life, in so many ways! You could then write about it, or draw, to represent your thoughts!

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