“Roundabouts in the Kitchen !

MUSIC FUN, #11: Friday, May 22nd, 2020

Remember the musical form, called Rondo Form? (ABACA) Well, if this sounds familiar, here’s a review, and a chance to add your own B and C sections! If you’ve not heard of it before, here’s your intro!!! Watch the video above, find a few pots and pans, create a rhythm by opening and closing cupboard doors, or tap a beat on your kitchen table, and away we go, creating music together!!! Super fun!!! 🙂


MUSIC FUN, #10: Friday, May 15th, 2020

Be your own one-person band!

There’s a super cool app, called, “A Capella”, which you can download for free, and then begin multi-track recording! The video above is super professional, but gives the idea of how you create one sound at a time, and layer it together to produce a really cool final product! Give it a try! My goal, is to try it with the Beatles song, “Here Comes the Sun”! Stay tuned! Have a great weekend!

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