Musical Quotes

1. “I love to hear a choir. I love the humanity to see the faces of real people devoting themselves to a piece of music. I like the teamwork. It makes me feel optimistic about the human race when I see them cooperating like that.” Paul McCartney

2. “Music is exciting. It is thrilling to be sitting in a group of musicians playing(more or less) the same piece of music. You are part of a great, powerful, vibrant entity. And, nothing beats the feeling you get when you’ve practiced a difficult section over and over and finally get it right.(Yes, even on a wood block!) Music is important. It says things your heart can’t say any other way, and in a language everyone speaks. Music crosses borders and turns frowns into smiles…don’t take music for granted.” Don Rather, CBS News

3. “Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a thought.” E. Y. Harburg


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1. “Music is our future, so let’s raise it right! (Sadie)

2. “Music matters to me because it brings joy and happiness to my life, especially around the holidays. If you have a success story in music, you have a success story in life.  Music is fun! Music is my future! (Emma)

3. “Music Matters to me because a life without music is a life without hope, love and happiness, Music is anything you want it to be. It’s the tears that fall down your face. It can be happiness and laughter. Life isn’t complete without music. You need it to pick you back up. Music makes you jump up and down, smile, and dance. It’s a feeling that you can’t explain. Music is everything to me. You can be, “Happy”(Pharell Williams) and have “Fun, Fun, Fun” (Beach boys)! (Gerry)

4. “I love music!

I’m guessing you do too!

We love music!

We do it for you!

And, why do we do it?

Emotions run through!” (Andrew)

5. “NUFSICISUM! Does anyone know that that means? We’ll, I’ll tell you! Nufsicisum is three words spelled backwards: MUSIC IS FUN!” (Katie)

6. “Music matters to me because it is a great way to express your emotions and your religion. Music is a way to communicate. Success in music means success in life! Music helps you with numeracy and literacy because music is based on sound, symbols and patterns. Music is a universal language. I like music. I can’t imagine life without it!” (Cloe)

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